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Joshua S. Las Vegas, NV
Melany W. San Jose, CA
Esteban C. Miami, FL
Tara S. New York, NY
The slicer project
5 / 24
Metamovies reworked
28 / 31
Fast Pizza redesign
25 / 39

Call Danny at Colby's

Today - 11:30am

Meeting with Alice

Today - 01:00pm

Answer Annie's message

Today - 01:45pm

Send new campaign

Today - 02:30pm

Project review

Today - 03:30pm

Call Trisha Jackson

Today - 05:00pm

Write proposal for Don

Today - 06:00pm

Bulma Datetimepicker

This Bulma vanilla js extension offers a full set of time and date pickers that you can mix in many different ways. This example shows a date and time picker. Use the type="datetime" attribute on the input. Please reference the plugin documentation for more details about usage.

      //JS CODE
      bulmaCalendar.attach('#bulma-datepicker-7', {
          color: themeColors.primary,
          lang: 'en'
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control">
              <input id="bulma-datepicker-7" class="input">

Bulma Datepicker

This Bulma vanilla js extension offers a full set of time and date pickers that you can mix in many different ways. This example shows a date picker. Use the type="date" attribute on the input. Please reference the plugin documentation for more details about usage.

      //JS CODE
      bulmaCalendar.attach('#bulma-datepicker-1', {
          color: themeColors.primary,
          lang: 'en'
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control">
              <input id="bulma-datepicker-1" class="input" type="date">

Bulma Datepicker Modal

This Bulma vanilla js extension offers a full set of time and date pickers that you can mix in many different ways. This example shows a modal date picker. Use the type="date" attribute on the input. Also use the displayMode: 'dialog' option in the javascript code for it to display as a modal. Please reference the plugin documentation for more details about usage.

      //JS CODE
      bulmaCalendar.attach('#bulma-datepicker-2', {
          displayMode: 'dialog',
          startDate: new Date('02/11/2018'),
          minDate: '01/01/2018',
          maxDate: '12/31/2018',
          color: themeColors.primary,
          lang: 'en'
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control">
              <input id="bulma-datepicker-2" class="input" type="date">

Bulma Datepicker Inline

This Bulma vanilla js extension offers a full set of time and date pickers that you can mix in many different ways. This example shows an inline date picker. Use the type="date" attribute on the input. Also use the displayMode: 'inline' option in the javascript code for it to display inline. Please reference the plugin documentation for more details about usage.

      //JS CODE
      bulmaCalendar.attach('#bulma-datepicker-3', {
          displayMode: 'inline',
          startDate: new Date('02/11/2018'),
          minDate: '01/01/2018',
          maxDate: '12/31/2018',
          color: themeColors.primary,
          lang: 'en'
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control">
              <input id="bulma-datepicker-3" class="input" type="date">

Bulma Daterange Picker

This Bulma vanilla js extension offers a full set of time and date pickers that you can mix in many different ways. This example shows a range picker. Use the type="date" and the data-is-range="true" attributes on the input. Please reference the plugin documentation for more details about usage.

      //JS CODE
      bulmaCalendar.attach('#bulma-datepicker-4', {
          color: themeColors.primary,
          lang: 'en'
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control">
              <input id="bulma-datepicker-4" class="input" type="date" data-is-range="true">

Bulma Timepicker

This Bulma vanilla js extension offers a full set of time and date pickers that you can mix in many different ways. This example shows a time picker. Use the type="time" attribute on the input. Please reference the plugin documentation for more details about usage.

      //JS CODE
      bulmaCalendar.attach('#bulma-datepicker-5', {
          color: themeColors.primary,
          lang: 'en'
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control">
              <input id="bulma-datepicker-5" class="input" type="time">

Bulma Timerange picker

This Bulma vanilla js extension offers a full set of time and date pickers that you can mix in many different ways. This example shows a time range picker. Use the type="date" and the data-is-range="true" attributes on the input. Please reference the plugin documentation for more details about usage.

      //JS CODE
      bulmaCalendar.attach('#bulma-datepicker-6', {
          color: themeColors.primary,
          lang: 'en'
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control">
              <input id="bulma-datepicker-6" class="input" type="time"> data-is-range="true"

Pickaday Datepicker

Huro is integrated with Pikaday, a performant vanilla javascript datepicker library. You can check the plugin documentation on Github. You can also access the javascript code by visiting the assets/js/components.js file. The following example shows you how to use it.

      //JS CODE
      var picker = new Pikaday({
          field: document.getElementById('pickaday-datepicker'),
          format: 'D MMM YYYY',
          onSelect: function() {
              //Do your stuff
      <div class="field">
          <div class="control has-icon">
              <input id="pickaday-datepicker" class="input" placeholder="select a date">
              <div class="form-icon">
                  <i data-feather="calendar"></i>